With the iPad! That being my favorite tool for writing, adventuring, thinking, reading, watching, listening, noting, businessing, and now blogging.
So, begins the adventures of Captain iPad; my blog about the iPad for those that love the iPad, its limitless potential and uses. By iPad, I mean all iPad versions, releases, whatever IOS apps can be used on them, and how they integrate with our world. All users welcome, regardless of experience, class, age, shoes. However, my geekiness will shine through so expect the occasional reference to some kind of science fiction thing, and extra coverage on things leaning in that direction involving the iPad.
After all, the iPad is science fiction come true. Not just the iPad, but tablets in general. For me, it's about the ergonomics and convenience of size, weight, the godlike waving of the finger to process and categorize information better on the go. To also use a single device to read, watch and play without thinking twice about the inconveniences of laptop/desktop design or the frustrations of tiny smartphone interfaces is wonderful and raises potential.
With a faster processor, better processes and access to many unique apps all inside one flat durable casing, I stand by the iPad as Apple's finest product. I'm not much of an Apple fan otherwise, as I am satisfied with my android phone and Lenovo Thinkpad Edge. Being on the road often, I feel a certain bond with other iPad users who see things in a similar way. We purchased our iPad out of practicality, ease of use and getting our moneys worth in the hardware design as well. For people on the go, it's perfect. For everyone else, this varies on the user. The reactions I get from non-users are mixed, often in the negative. I will write more on this later.
For now, I will be updating often with news, information, tricks, reviews, tips, opinions, and the occasional idea. The site is still in development, so expect changes, new features and surprises in the coming weeks.
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